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forked from mirrors/nixpkgs

tree-sitter/update: move pyhon impl into its own file

This helps with syntax highlighting & editor support
This commit is contained in:
Profpatsch 2022-09-06 21:11:50 +02:00
parent 673676319b
commit 0d067c8603
2 changed files with 84 additions and 85 deletions

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@ -410,91 +410,7 @@ let
# implementation of the fetching of repo information from github
fetchImpl = writers.writePython3 "fetchImpl" {
flakeIgnore = ["E501"];
} ''
from urllib.parse import quote
import json
import subprocess as sub
import os
import sys
debug = True if os.environ.get("DEBUG", False) else False
mode = sys.argv[1]
jsonArg = json.loads(sys.argv[2])
def curl_github_args(token, url):
"""Query the github API via curl"""
yield "curl"
if not debug:
yield "--silent"
if token:
yield "-H"
yield f"Authorization: token {token}"
yield url
def curl_result(orga, repo, output):
"""Parse the curl result of the github API"""
res = json.loads(output)
message = res.get("message", "")
if "rate limit" in message:
sys.exit("Rate limited by the Github API")
if "Not Found" in message:
# repository not there or no releases; if the repo is missing,
# well notice when we try to clone it
return {}
return res
def nix_prefetch_args(url, version_rev):
"""Prefetch a git repository"""
yield "nix-prefetch-git"
if not debug:
yield "--quiet"
yield "--no-deepClone"
yield "--url"
yield url
yield "--rev"
yield version_rev
def fetchRepo():
"""fetch the given repo and print its nix-prefetch output to stdout"""
match jsonArg:
case {"orga": orga, "repo": repo}:
token = os.environ.get("GITHUB_TOKEN", None)
curl_cmd = list(curl_github_args(
if debug:
print(curl_cmd, file=sys.stderr)
out = sub.check_output(curl_cmd)
release = curl_result(orga, repo, out).get("tag_name", None)
# github sometimes returns an empty list even tough there are releases
if not release:
print(f"uh-oh, latest for {orga}/{repo} is not there, using HEAD", file=sys.stderr)
release = "HEAD"
print(f"Fetching latest release ({release}) of {orga}/{repo} ", file=sys.stderr)
case _:
sys.exit("input json must have `orga` and `repo` keys")
match mode:
case "fetch-repo":
case _:
sys.exit(f"mode {mode} unknown")
} ./update_impl.py;
# find the latest repos of a github organization
latestGithubRepos = { orga }: writeShellScript "latest-github-repos" ''

View file

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
from urllib.parse import quote
import json
import subprocess as sub
import os
import sys
debug = True if os.environ.get("DEBUG", False) else False
mode = sys.argv[1]
jsonArg = json.loads(sys.argv[2])
def curl_github_args(token, url):
"""Query the github API via curl"""
yield "curl"
if not debug:
yield "--silent"
if token:
yield "-H"
yield f"Authorization: token {token}"
yield url
def curl_result(orga, repo, output):
"""Parse the curl result of the github API"""
res = json.loads(output)
message = res.get("message", "")
if "rate limit" in message:
sys.exit("Rate limited by the Github API")
if "Not Found" in message:
# repository not there or no releases; if the repo is missing,
# well notice when we try to clone it
return {}
return res
def nix_prefetch_args(url, version_rev):
"""Prefetch a git repository"""
yield "nix-prefetch-git"
if not debug:
yield "--quiet"
yield "--no-deepClone"
yield "--url"
yield url
yield "--rev"
yield version_rev
def fetchRepo():
"""fetch the given repo and print its nix-prefetch output to stdout"""
match jsonArg:
case {"orga": orga, "repo": repo}:
token = os.environ.get("GITHUB_TOKEN", None)
curl_cmd = list(curl_github_args(
if debug:
print(curl_cmd, file=sys.stderr)
out = sub.check_output(curl_cmd)
release = curl_result(orga, repo, out).get("tag_name", None)
# github sometimes returns an empty list even tough there are releases
if not release:
print(f"uh-oh, latest for {orga}/{repo} is not there, using HEAD", file=sys.stderr)
release = "HEAD"
print(f"Fetching latest release ({release}) of {orga}/{repo}", file=sys.stderr)
case _:
sys.exit("input json must have `orga` and `repo` keys")
match mode:
case "fetch-repo":
case _:
sys.exit(f"mode {mode} unknown")