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{ lib, stdenv
, makeWrapper
, makeDesktopItem
, copyDesktopItems
, fetchFromGitHub
, fetchpatch
, gradleGen
, jdk
, perl
# for arc
, SDL2
, pkg-config
, stb
, ant
, alsaLib
, glew
# Make the build version easily overridable.
# Server and client build versions must match, and an empty build version means
# any build is allowed, so this parameter acts as a simple whitelist.
# Takes the package version and returns the build version.
, makeBuildVersion ? (v: v)
, enableClient ? true
, enableServer ? true
pname = "mindustry";
# Note: when raising the version, ensure that all SNAPSHOT versions in
# build.gradle are replaced by a fixed version
# (the current one at the time of release) (see postPatch).
2021-01-01 17:13:55 +00:00
version = "122.1";
buildVersion = makeBuildVersion version;
Mindustry = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "Anuken";
repo = "Mindustry";
rev = "v${version}";
2021-01-01 17:13:55 +00:00
sha256 = "18m4s81cfb2cr2fj61nf6spiln7cbvx25g42w6fypfikflv3qd8y";
Arc = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "Anuken";
repo = "Arc";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "0inzyj01442da7794cpxlaab7di9gv1snc97cbffqsdxgin16i7d";
soloud = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "Anuken";
repo = "soloud";
# this is never pinned in upstream, see https://github.com/Anuken/Arc/issues/39
rev = "8553049c6fb0d1eaa7f57c1793b96219c84e8ba5";
sha256 = "076vnjs2qxd65qq5i37gbmj5v5i04a1vw0kznq986gv9190jj531";
patches = [
# upstream fix for https://github.com/Anuken/Arc/issues/40, remove on next release
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://github.com/Anuken/Arc/commit/b2f3d212c1a88a62f140f5cb04f4c86e61332d1c.patch";
sha256 = "1yjp4drv7lk3kinzy47g8jhb2qazr92b85vbc79vsqrs8sycskan";
extraPrefix = "Arc/";
stripLen = 1;
# add resolveDependencies task, remove when and if it gets added upstream in a future release
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry/pull/4302.patch";
sha256 = "0yp42sray4fxkajhpdljal0wss8jh9rvmclysw6cixsa94pw5khq";
extraPrefix = "Mindustry/";
stripLen = 1;
unpackPhase = ''
cp -r ${Mindustry} Mindustry
cp -r ${Arc} Arc
chmod -R u+w -- Mindustry Arc
cp ${stb.src}/stb_image.h Arc/arc-core/csrc/
cp -r ${soloud} Arc/arc-core/csrc/soloud
chmod -R u+w -- Arc
desktopItem = makeDesktopItem {
type = "Application";
name = "Mindustry";
desktopName = "Mindustry";
exec = "mindustry";
icon = "mindustry";
cleanupMindustrySrc = ''
pushd Mindustry
# Remove unbuildable iOS stuff
sed -i '/^project(":ios"){/,/^}/d' build.gradle
sed -i '/robo(vm|VM)/d' build.gradle
rm ios/build.gradle
# Pin 'SNAPSHOT' versions
sed -i 's/com.github.anuken:packr:-SNAPSHOT/com.github.anuken:packr:034efe51781d2d8faa90370492133241bfb0283c/' build.gradle
preBuild = ''
export GRADLE_USER_HOME=$(mktemp -d)
# The default one still uses jdk8 (#89731)
gradle_6 = (gradleGen.override (old: { java = jdk; })).gradle_6_7;
# fake build to pre-download deps into fixed-output derivation
deps = stdenv.mkDerivation {
pname = "${pname}-deps";
inherit version unpackPhase patches;
postPatch = cleanupMindustrySrc;
nativeBuildInputs = [ gradle_6 perl ];
# Here we download dependencies for both the server and the client so
# we only have to specify one hash for 'deps'. Deps can be garbage
# collected after the build, so this is not really an issue.
buildPhase = preBuild + ''
pushd Mindustry
gradle --no-daemon resolveDependencies
# perl code mavenizes pathes (com.squareup.okio/okio/1.13.0/a9283170b7305c8d92d25aff02a6ab7e45d06cbe/okio-1.13.0.jar -> com/squareup/okio/okio/1.13.0/okio-1.13.0.jar)
installPhase = ''
find $GRADLE_USER_HOME/caches/modules-2 -type f -regex '.*\.\(jar\|pom\)' \
| perl -pe 's#(.*/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/[0-9a-f]{30,40}/([^/\s]+))$# ($x = $2) =~ tr|\.|/|; "install -Dm444 $1 \$out/$x/$3/$4/$5" #e' \
| sh
outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
outputHashMode = "recursive";
outputHash = "09rwyrg2yv8r499b0dk1bzvymsf98d4j5b95bwd9s4xvrz71is3l";
assert stdenv.lib.assertMsg (enableClient || enableServer)
"mindustry: at least one of 'enableClient' and 'enableServer' must be true";
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
inherit pname version unpackPhase patches;
postPatch = ''
# ensure the prebuilt shared objects don't accidentally get shipped
rm Arc/natives/natives-desktop/libs/libarc*.so
rm Arc/backends/backend-sdl/libs/linux64/libsdl-arc*.so
'' + cleanupMindustrySrc;
buildInputs = [
nativeBuildInputs = [
desktopItems = [ desktopItem ];
buildPhase = with stdenv.lib; preBuild + ''
# point to offline repo
sed -ie "s#mavenLocal()#mavenLocal(); maven { url '${deps}' }#g" Mindustry/build.gradle
sed -ie "s#mavenCentral()#mavenCentral(); maven { url '${deps}' }#g" Arc/build.gradle
pushd Mindustry
'' + optionalString enableClient ''
gradle --offline --no-daemon jnigenBuild -Pbuildversion=${buildVersion}
gradle --offline --no-daemon sdlnatives -Pdynamic -Pbuildversion=${buildVersion}
patchelf ../Arc/backends/backend-sdl/libs/linux64/libsdl-arc*.so \
--add-needed ${glew.out}/lib/libGLEW.so \
--add-needed ${SDL2}/lib/libSDL2.so
gradle --offline --no-daemon desktop:dist -Pbuildversion=${buildVersion}
'' + optionalString enableServer ''
gradle --offline --no-daemon server:dist -Pbuildversion=${buildVersion}
installPhase = with stdenv.lib; optionalString enableClient ''
install -Dm644 desktop/build/libs/Mindustry.jar $out/share/mindustry.jar
mkdir -p $out/bin
makeWrapper ${jdk}/bin/java $out/bin/mindustry \
--add-flags "-jar $out/share/mindustry.jar"
install -Dm644 core/assets/icons/icon_64.png $out/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/mindustry.png
'' + optionalString enableServer ''
install -Dm644 server/build/libs/server-release.jar $out/share/mindustry-server.jar
mkdir -p $out/bin
makeWrapper ${jdk}/bin/java $out/bin/mindustry-server \
--add-flags "-jar $out/share/mindustry-server.jar"
meta = with lib; {
homepage = "https://mindustrygame.github.io/";
downloadPage = "https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry/releases";
description = "A sandbox tower defense game";
license = licenses.gpl3Plus;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ fgaz petabyteboy ];
platforms = platforms.x86_64;
# Hash mismatch on darwin:
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/105590#issuecomment-737120293
broken = stdenv.isDarwin;