2017-05-24 00:38:25 +01:00
{ stdenv, pythonPackages, runCommand, curl }:
2017-05-22 17:22:03 +01:00
with stdenv.lib;
with pythonPackages;
# Get rid of this when pants 1.3.0 is released and make 0.5 the default
2017-05-22 20:34:46 +01:00
pathspec_0_3_4 = buildPythonApplication rec {
2017-05-22 17:22:03 +01:00
pname = "pathspec";
version = "0.3.4";
name = "${pname}-${version}";
src = fetchPypi {
inherit pname version;
sha256 = "0a37yrr2jhlg8aiynxivh2xqani7l9j725qxzrm7cm7m4rfcl1bn";
meta = {
description = "Utility library for gitignore-style pattern matching of file paths";
homepage = "https://github.com/cpburnz/python-path-specification";
license = licenses.mpl20;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ copumpkin ];
2017-05-24 00:38:25 +01:00
pants13-version = "1.3.0rc2";
# TODO: compile the rust native engine ourselves so we don't need to do this shit. We don't use
# fetchurl because we don't know the URL ahead of time, even though it's deterministic. So we have
# this downloader figure out the URL on the fly and then produce the deterministic result, so we
# can still be a fixed-output derivation.
pants13-native-engine-prefix = {
"x86_64-darwin" = "mac/10.11";
"x86_64-linux" = "linux/x86_64";
"i686-linux" = "linux/i386";
}.${stdenv.system} or (throw "Unsupported system ${stdenv.system}!");
pants13-native-engine = runCommand "pants-native-${pants13-version}" {
buildInputs = [ curl ];
outputHashMode = "recursive";
outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
outputHash = "0n8z7rg0yfpxplvcw88lwv733zkhbzhc4w4zd4aznbcmfqdiz5br";
} ''
native_version=$(curl -k -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pantsbuild/pants/release_${pants13-version}/src/python/pants/engine/subsystem/native_engine_version)
curl -kLO "https://dl.bintray.com/pantsbuild/bin/build-support/bin/native-engine/${pants13-native-engine-prefix}/$native_version/native_engine.so"
# Ugh it tries to "download" from this prefix so let's just replicate their directory structure for now...
mkdir -p $out/bin/native-engine/${pants13-native-engine-prefix}/$native_version/
# These should behave the same way in Nix land and we try not to differentiate between OS revisions...
ln -s 10.11 $out/bin/native-engine/mac/10.10
ln -s 10.11 $out/bin/native-engine/mac/10.12
cp native_engine.so $out/bin/native-engine/${pants13-native-engine-prefix}/$native_version/
2017-05-22 17:22:03 +01:00
in {
pants =
pythonPackages.buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "pantsbuild.pants";
version = "1.2.1";
name = "${pname}-${version}";
src = fetchPypi {
inherit pname version;
sha256 = "1bnzhhd2acwk7ckv56xzg2d9vxacl3k5bh13bsjxymnq3spm962w";
prePatch = ''
sed -E -i "s/'([[:alnum:].-]+)[=><][^']*'/'\\1'/g" setup.py
# Unnecessary, and causes some really weird behavior around .class files, which
# this package bundles. See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/22520.
dontStrip = true;
propagatedBuildInputs = [
ansicolors beautifulsoup4 cffi coverage docutils fasteners futures
2017-05-22 20:34:46 +01:00
isort lmdb markdown mock packaging pathspec_0_3_4 pep8 pex psutil pyflakes
2017-05-22 17:22:03 +01:00
pygments pystache pytestcov pytest pywatchman requests scandir
setproctitle setuptools six thrift wheel twitter-common-dirutil
twitter-common-confluence twitter-common-collections
meta = {
description = "A build system for software projects in a variety of languages";
homepage = "http://www.pantsbuild.org/";
license = licenses.asl20;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ copumpkin ];
platforms = platforms.unix;
pants13-pre = buildPythonApplication rec {
pname = "pantsbuild.pants";
2017-05-24 00:38:25 +01:00
version = pants13-version;
2017-05-22 17:22:03 +01:00
name = "${pname}-${version}";
src = fetchPypi {
inherit pname version;
2017-05-22 17:31:27 +01:00
sha256 = "1d3i0jwhn94b96b3lwwxd10007hnxw6dw1azmwv3hhwq713gwnpi";
2017-05-22 17:22:03 +01:00
prePatch = ''
sed -E -i "s/'([[:alnum:].-]+)[=><][[:digit:]=><.,]*'/'\\1'/g" setup.py
2017-05-24 00:38:25 +01:00
substituteInPlace src/pants/option/global_options.py \
--replace "'/etc/pantsrc'" "'$out/etc/pantsrc', '/etc/pantsrc'"
2017-05-22 17:22:03 +01:00
# Unnecessary, and causes some really weird behavior around .class files, which
# this package bundles. See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/22520.
dontStrip = true;
propagatedBuildInputs = [
twitter-common-collections setproctitle setuptools six ansicolors
packaging pathspec scandir twitter-common-dirutil psutil requests
pystache pex docutils markdown pygments twitter-common-confluence
fasteners coverage pywatchman futures cffi
2017-05-24 00:38:25 +01:00
# Teach pants about where its native engine lives.
# TODO: there's probably a better way to teach it this without having it "download"
# from a local file: URL to its cache, but I don't know how and this seems to work.
postFixup = ''
mkdir -p $out/etc
cat >$out/etc/pantsrc <<EOF
baseurls: [ 'file://${pants13-native-engine}' ]
2017-05-22 17:22:03 +01:00
meta = {
description = "A build system for software projects in a variety of languages";
homepage = "http://www.pantsbuild.org/";
license = licenses.asl20;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ copumpkin ];
platforms = platforms.unix;