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# - faster build by using lisp with preloaded asdf?
# - dont include java libs unless abcl?
# - dont use build-asdf-system to build lispWithPackages?
# - make the lisp packages overridable? (e.g. buildInputs glibc->musl)
# - build asdf with nix and use that instead of one shipped with impls
# (e.g. to fix build with clisp - does anyone use clisp?)
# - claspPackages ? (gotta package clasp with nix first)
# - hard one: remove unrelated sources ( of systems not being built)
# - figure out a less awkward way to patch sources
# (have to build from src directly for SLIME to work, so can't just patch sources in place)
{ pkgs, lib, stdenv, ... }:
inherit (lib)
inherit (builtins)
# Returns a flattened dependency tree without duplicates
# This is probably causing performance problems...
flattenedDeps = lispLibs:
walk = acc: node:
if length node.lispLibs == 0
then acc
else foldl walk (acc ++ node.lispLibs) node.lispLibs;
in unique (walk [] { inherit lispLibs; });
# Stolen from python-packages.nix
# Actually no idea how this works
makeOverridableLispPackage = f: origArgs:
ff = f origArgs;
overrideWith = newArgs: origArgs // (if pkgs.lib.isFunction newArgs then newArgs origArgs else newArgs);
if builtins.isAttrs ff then (ff // {
overrideLispAttrs = newArgs: makeOverridableLispPackage f (overrideWith newArgs);
else if builtins.isFunction ff then {
overrideLispAttrs = newArgs: makeOverridableLispPackage f (overrideWith newArgs);
__functor = self: ff;
else ff;
# Wrapper around stdenv.mkDerivation for building ASDF systems.
build-asdf-system = makeOverridableLispPackage (
{ pname,
src ? null,
patches ? [],
# Native libraries, will be appended to the library path
nativeLibs ? [],
# Java libraries for ABCL, will be appended to the class path
javaLibs ? [],
# Lisp dependencies
# these should be packages built with `build-asdf-system`
lispLibs ? [],
# Lisp command to run buildScript
# Some libraries have multiple systems under one project, for
# example, cffi has cffi-grovel, cffi-toolchain etc. By
# default, only the `pname` system is build.
# .asd's not listed in `systems` are removed in
# installPhase. This prevents asdf from referring to uncompiled
# systems on run time.
# Also useful when the pname is differrent than the system name,
# such as when using reverse domain naming.
systems ? [ pname ],
# The .asd files that this package provides
asds ? systems,
# Other args to mkDerivation
} @ args:
# A little slow for big dependency graphs.
# How to make it faster?
# Maybe do it in the buildScript in Common Lisp or Bash, instead
# of here with Nix?
libsFlat = flattenedDeps lispLibs;
in stdenv.mkDerivation (rec {
inherit pname version nativeLibs javaLibs lispLibs lisp systems asds;
src = if builtins.length patches > 0
then apply-patches args
else args.src;
# When src is null, we are building a lispWithPackages and only
# want to make use of the dependency environment variables
# generated by build-asdf-system
dontUnpack = src == null;
# TODO: Do the propagation like for lisp, native and java like this:
# https://github.com/teu5us/nix-lisp-overlay/blob/e30dafafa5c1b9a5b0ccc9aaaef9d285d9f0c46b/pkgs/development/lisp-modules/setup-hook.sh
# Then remove the "echo >> nix-drvs" from buildScript
# Tell asdf where to find system definitions of lisp dependencies.
# The "//" ending is important as it makes asdf recurse into
# subdirectories when searching for .asd's. This is to support
# projects where .asd's aren't in the root directory.
CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY = makeSearchPath "/" libsFlat;
# Tell lisp where to find native dependencies
# Normally generated from lispLibs, but LD_LIBRARY_PATH as a
# derivation attr itself can be used as an extension point when
# the libs are not in a '/lib' subdirectory
libs = concatMap (x: x.nativeLibs) libsFlat;
paths = filter (x: x != "") (map (x: x.LD_LIBRARY_PATH) libsFlat);
path =
makeLibraryPath libs
+ optionalString (length paths != 0) ":"
+ concatStringsSep ":" paths;
in concatStringsSep ":" (unique (splitString ":" path));
# Java libraries For ABCL
CLASSPATH = makeSearchPath "share/java/*" (concatMap (x: x.javaLibs) libsFlat);
# Portable script to build the systems.
# `lisp` must evaluate this file then exit immediately. For
# example, SBCL's --script flag does just that.
# Every other library worked fine with asdf:compile-system in
# buildScript.
# cl-syslog, for some reason, signals that CL-SYSLOG::VALID-SD-ID-P
# is undefined with compile-system, but works perfectly with
# load-system. Strange.
buildScript = pkgs.writeText "build-${pname}.lisp" ''
(require :asdf)
(dolist (s '(${concatStringsSep " " systems}))
(asdf:load-system s))
buildPhase = optionalString (src != null) ''
# In addition to lisp dependencies, make asdf see the .asd's
# of the systems being built
# *Append* src since `lispLibs` can provide .asd's that are
# also in `src` but are not in `systems` (that is, the .asd's
# that will be deleted in installPhase). We don't want to
# rebuild them, but to load them from lispLibs.
# NOTE: It's important to read files from `src` instead of
# from pwd to get go-to-definition working with SLIME
# Similiarily for native deps
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${makeLibraryPath nativeLibs}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export CLASSPATH=${makeSearchPath "share/java/*" javaLibs}:$CLASSPATH
# Make asdf compile from `src` to pwd and load `lispLibs`
# from storeDir. Otherwise it could try to recompile lisp deps.
export ASDF_OUTPUT_TRANSLATIONS="${src}:$(pwd):${storeDir}:${storeDir}"
# Make Nix track the dependencies so that graphs can be generated with
# nix-store -q --graph
echo "$lispLibs" >> nix-drvs
echo "$nativeLibs" >> nix-drvs
echo "$javaLibs" >> nix-drvs
# Finally, compile the systems
${lisp} $buildScript
# Copy compiled files to store
# Make sure to include '$' in regex to prevent skipping
# stuff like 'iolib.asdf.asd' for system 'iolib.asd'
# Same with '/': `local-time.asd` for system `cl-postgres+local-time.asd`
installPhase =
mkSystemsRegex = systems:
concatMapStringsSep "\\|" (replaceStrings ["." "+"] ["[.]" "[+]"]) systems;
mkdir -pv $out
cp -r * $out
# Remove all .asd files except for those in `systems`.
find $out -name "*.asd" \
| grep -v "/\(${mkSystemsRegex systems}\)\.asd$" \
| xargs rm -fv || true
# Not sure if it's needed, but caused problems with SBCL
# save-lisp-and-die binaries in the past
dontStrip = true;
dontFixup = true;
} // args));
# Need to do that because we always want to compile straight from
# `src` for go-to-definition to work in SLIME.
apply-patches = { patches, src, ... }:
stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit patches src;
pname = "source";
version = "patched";
dontConfigure = true;
dontBuild = true;
dontStrip = true;
dontFixup = true;
installPhase = ''
mkdir -pv $out
cp -r * $out
# Build the set of lisp packages using `lisp`
# These packages are defined manually for one reason or another:
# - The library is not in quicklisp
# - The library that is in quicklisp is broken
# - Special build procedure such as cl-unicode, asdf
# These Probably could be done even in ql.nix
# - Want to pin a specific commit
# - Want to apply custom patches
# They can use the auto-imported quicklisp packages as dependencies,
# but some of those don't work out of the box.
# E.g if a QL package depends on cl-unicode it won't build out of
# the box. The dependency has to be rewritten using the manually
# fixed cl-unicode.
# This is done by generating a 'fixed' set of Quicklisp packages by
# calling quicklispPackagesFor with the right `fixup`.
commonLispPackagesFor = lisp:
build-asdf-system' = body: build-asdf-system (body // { inherit lisp; });
in import ./packages.nix {
inherit pkgs;
inherit lisp;
inherit quicklispPackagesFor;
inherit fixupFor;
build-asdf-system = build-asdf-system';
# Build the set of packages imported from quicklisp using `lisp`
quicklispPackagesFor = { lisp, fixup ? lib.id, build ? build-asdf-system }:
build-asdf-system' = body: build (body // {
inherit lisp;
in import ./ql.nix {
inherit pkgs;
inherit fixup;
build-asdf-system = build-asdf-system';
# Rewrite deps of pkg to use manually defined packages
# The purpose of manual packages is to customize one package, but
# then it has to be propagated everywhere for it to make sense and
# have consistency in the package tree.
fixupFor = manualPackages: qlPkg:
assert (lib.isAttrs qlPkg && !lib.isDerivation qlPkg);
# Make it possible to reuse generated attrs without recursing into oblivion
packages = (lib.filterAttrs (n: v: n != qlPkg.pname) manualPackages);
substituteLib = pkg:
if lib.hasAttr pkg.pname packages
then packages.${pkg.pname}
else pkg;
pkg = substituteLib qlPkg;
in pkg // { lispLibs = map substituteLib pkg.lispLibs; };
makeAttrName = str:
["+" "." "/"]
["_plus_" "_dot_" "_slash_"]
oldMakeWrapper = pkgs.runCommand "make-wrapper.sh" {} ''
substitute ${./old-make-wrapper.sh} $out \
--replace @shell@ ${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash
# Creates a lisp wrapper with `packages` installed
# `packages` is a function that takes `clpkgs` - a set of lisp
# packages - as argument and returns the list of packages to be
# installed
lispWithPackagesInternal = clpkgs: packages:
# FIXME just use flattenedDeps instead
(build-asdf-system rec {
lisp = (head (lib.attrValues clpkgs)).lisp;
# See dontUnpack in build-asdf-system
src = null;
pname = baseNameOf (head (split " " lisp));
version = "with-packages";
lispLibs = packages clpkgs;
systems = [];
}).overrideAttrs(o: {
installPhase = ''
# The recent version of makeWrapper causes breakage. For more info see
# https://github.com/Uthar/nix-cl/issues/2
source ${oldMakeWrapper}
mkdir -pv $out/bin
makeWrapper \
${head (split " " o.lisp)} \
$out/bin/${baseNameOf (head (split " " o.lisp))} \
--prefix ASDF_OUTPUT_TRANSLATIONS : ${concatStringsSep "::" (flattenedDeps o.lispLibs)}: \
--prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${makeLibraryPath o.nativeLibs}" \
--prefix CLASSPATH : "${o.CLASSPATH}" \
--prefix CLASSPATH : "${makeSearchPath "share/java/*" o.javaLibs}"
lispWithPackages = lisp:
packages = lispPackagesFor lisp;
in lispWithPackagesInternal packages;
lispPackagesFor = lisp:
packages = commonLispPackagesFor lisp;
qlPackages = quicklispPackagesFor {
inherit lisp;
fixup = fixupFor packages;
in qlPackages // packages;
commonLispPackages = rec {
# Uncomment for debugging/development
# inherit
# flattenedDeps
# concatMap
# attrNames
# getAttr
# filterAttrs
# filter
# elem
# unique
# makeAttrName
# length;
# TODO: uncomment clasp when clasp 1.0.0 is packaged
# There's got to be a better way than this...
# The problem was that with --load everywhere, some
# implementations didn't exit with 0 on compilation failure
# Maybe a handler-case in buildScript?
sbcl = "${pkgs.sbcl}/bin/sbcl --script";
ecl = "${pkgs.ecl}/bin/ecl --shell";
abcl = ''${pkgs.abcl}/bin/abcl --batch --eval "(load \"$buildScript\")"'';
ccl = ''${pkgs.ccl}/bin/ccl --batch --eval "(load \"$buildScript\")" --'';
# clasp = ''${pkgs.clasp}/bin/clasp --non-interactive --quit --load'';
# Manually defined packages shadow the ones imported from quicklisp
sbclPackages = lispPackagesFor sbcl;
eclPackages = lispPackagesFor ecl;
abclPackages = lispPackagesFor abcl;
cclPackages = lispPackagesFor ccl;
# claspPackages = lispPackagesFor clasp;
sbclWithPackages = lispWithPackages sbcl;
eclWithPackages = lispWithPackages ecl;
abclWithPackages = lispWithPackages abcl;
cclWithPackages = lispWithPackages ccl;
# claspWithPackages = lispWithPackages clasp;
in commonLispPackages